The Magical Rise of Unicorn Cakes: How a Sweet Trend Captivated the World


Unicorn cakes have taken the world by storm, transforming from a niche bakery item into a global phenomenon. These whimsical, colorful, and often sparkly cakes are more than just a treat; they’re a symbol of joy, creativity, and the magic that exists in the culinary world. But who started the unicorn cake trend, and how did it become so popular? This article delves into the origins, evolution, and cultural impact of unicorn cakes, offering insights into why they continue to capture our imaginations.

Who Started the Unicorn Cake Trend?

The unicorn cake trend is a mosaic of creativity, with various bakers around the world contributing to its rise. However, it was the viral images from bakeries like Jenna Rae Cakes and Flour Shop that truly set the trend alight. For those eager to dive deeper into the crafting secrets behind these magical creations, Unicorn Cake: 7 Secrets offers invaluable tips and techniques.

The Evolution of Unicorn Cakes

The evolution of unicorn cakes is a fascinating journey that reflects broader trends in pop culture, social media influence, and the baking industry’s adaptability to consumer interests. From its inception to its current status as a beloved party centerpiece, the unicorn cake has undergone significant transformation, both in design and cultural significance.

Origins and Viral Popularity

The unicorn cake trend is widely attributed to Jenna Hutchinson, co-owner of Jenna Rae Cakes in Winnipeg, Canada. In 2016, she created the first widely recognized unicorn cake for a little girl’s birthday party. This cake, adorned with a fondant horn, colorful mane, and dainty eyelashes, captured the whimsy and magic associated with unicorns. After a photo of the cake was shared on Instagram, it went viral, leading to a surge in popularity and demand for similar cakes.

Design Evolution

Initially, unicorn cakes featured relatively simple designs, focusing on the iconic horn, eyes, and a colorful mane. However, as the trend grew, so did the creativity of the designs. Bakers began experimenting with different colors, textures, and additional elements such as edible glitter, gold leaf, and themed decorations that matched the party’s overall aesthetic. The cakes became more elaborate, with multi-tiered versions, intricate fondant work, and even incorporating other fantasy elements.

Cultural Impact

The unicorn cake trend coincided with a broader cultural fascination with unicorns, seen in fashion, home decor, and food and beverage products. This cake became a symbol of joy, celebration, and a touch of magic, appealing to not just children but adults as well. It represented a shift towards more personalized and visually striking party elements, driven by the desire to share life’s special moments on social media platforms.

Accessibility and DIY Movement

As the trend grew, unicorn cakes became more accessible to the general public. Mainstream bakeries and grocery stores began offering their versions of the unicorn cake, making it easier for people to include them in their celebrations without needing to order from specialty cake designers. Additionally, the rise of baking shows and online tutorials empowered individuals to create their own unicorn cakes at home, leading to a DIY movement where enthusiasts shared tips, tricks, and their unique takes on the design.

The Future of Unicorn Cakes

While trends in the baking world come and go, the unicorn cake has shown remarkable staying power. Its evolution from a niche, custom-designed cake to a mainstream phenomenon reflects its ability to adapt and remain relevant. As we look to the future, it’s likely that the unicorn cake will continue to evolve, incorporating new baking techniques, design trends, and cultural influences. However, its core appeal—a symbol of magic, celebration, and creativity—will undoubtedly remain a constant in the ever-changing landscape of party desserts.

From simple pastel designs to elaborate masterpieces, unicorn cakes have undergone a remarkable transformation. Each baker brings their unique flair to the table, resulting in a diverse array of styles that continue to push the boundaries of creativity. For a closer look at the innovative designs and ideas that have shaped this trend, 7 Magical Insights into Unicorn Cake: A Delightful Surprise provides an in-depth exploration.

Key Ingredients of a Unicorn Cake

Creating a unicorn cake involves a blend of traditional baking ingredients and specific decorative elements to achieve its magical appearance. Here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients needed to bring a unicorn cake to life:

Cake Base Ingredients

  • Flour: The foundation of the cake, providing structure.
  • Sugar: Sweetens the cake.
  • Eggs: Bind the ingredients together and add moisture.
  • Butter or Oil: Adds richness and ensures the cake is moist.
  • Baking Powder/Soda: Leavening agents that help the cake rise.
  • Milk or Buttermilk: Adds moisture and helps to combine the dry and wet ingredients.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adds flavor. You can also use other extracts like almond or lemon for different tastes.

Frosting Ingredients

  • Butter: The base of buttercream frosting, providing a rich flavor.
  • Powdered Sugar: Sweetens and thickens the frosting.
  • Milk or Heavy Cream: Adjusts the consistency of the frosting.
  • Vanilla Extract: Adds flavor. This can be substituted or complemented with other flavorings.
  • Food Coloring: To create the vibrant colors typical of a unicorn cake’s mane and other decorative elements.

Decorative Elements

  • Fondant: Used to make the horn, ears, and eyes. Fondant can be colored and shaped into various decorative pieces.
  • Edible Gold Paint or Gold Leaf: Often used to add a magical touch to the horn and ears.
  • Piping Bags and Tips: Necessary for creating the colorful swirls of the mane and tail with buttercream frosting.
  • Sprinkles and Edible Glitter: Add a sparkling, whimsical finish to the cake.
  • Food Coloring Gel: Provides intense colors for the buttercream mane without thinning the frosting.

Optional Ingredients

  • Flavor Extracts: To infuse the cake or frosting with unique flavors beyond vanilla.
  • Edible Flowers: Can add a natural, whimsical touch to the decoration.
  • Modeling Chocolate: An alternative to fondant for creating decorative elements, offering a different texture and taste.

Assembly Ingredients

  • Cake Boards: Provide a stable base for building and transporting the cake.
  • Dowels or Straws: Used in tiered cakes for additional support.

Creating a unicorn cake is as much about the artistry involved in its decoration as it is about the baking. The combination of a moist, flavorful cake, rich buttercream frosting, and imaginative decorative elements results in a dessert that’s not just a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes. Whether for a birthday party, special occasion, or just because, a unicorn cake brings a touch of magic to any celebration.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Unicorn Cake

Baker creating a unicorn cake, demonstrating the artistry behind the trend.

1: Bake the Cake

  1. Preheat your oven to the temperature specified in your cake recipe.
  2. Prepare your cake pans by greasing them or lining them with parchment paper.
  3. Mix the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder/soda) in one bowl.
  4. Mix the wet ingredients (eggs, milk/buttermilk, vanilla extract, butter/oil) in another bowl.
  5. Combine the wet and dry ingredients together until the batter is smooth.
  6. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pans.
  7. Bake according to the recipe’s instructions, then cool the cakes completely on a wire rack.

2: Make the Buttercream Frosting

  1. Beat the butter until it’s smooth and creamy.
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Add milk or cream and vanilla extract to reach the desired consistency and flavor.
  4. Divide the frosting into portions to color for the mane, leaving some white for the base coat and crumb coat.

3: Assemble the Cake

  1. Level the cakes by cutting off the domed tops to make them flat.
  2. Stack the cakes, spreading a layer of buttercream between each layer.
  3. Apply a crumb coat (a thin layer of frosting) to seal in crumbs and chill the cake for about 30 minutes to set.
  4. Apply the final coat of frosting, smoothing it out for a neat finish.

4: Decorate the Cake

  1. Color the remaining frosting with food coloring for the mane and tail.
  2. Make the horn and ears out of fondant. You can color the fondant with gel food coloring and use edible gold paint or gold leaf for the horn. Allow them to dry so they hold their shape.
  3. Pipe the mane using a piping bag fitted with a star tip. Alternate colors as you go around the top and down one side of the cake to create a flowing mane effect.
  4. Add the eyes by rolling small pieces of black fondant into shapes or piping them with black frosting.
  5. Insert the horn and ears into the top of the cake. If they’re heavy, you may need to support them with skewers or toothpicks.
  6. Add finishing touches like edible glitter, sprinkles, or flowers to enhance the magical effect.

5: Present Your Cake

  1. Chill the cake until you’re ready to serve to ensure the decorations hold up.
  2. Place the cake on a decorative stand or plate for presentation.
  3. Enjoy the magic! Share your creation with friends and family.

Creating a unicorn cake is a delightful project that can be customized in countless ways, from the colors of the mane to the shape of the horn. With patience and creativity, you’ll end up with a whimsical dessert that’s sure to impress and bring joy to any occasion.

Unicorn Cake Decorating Techniques

Decorating a unicorn cake is an artistic endeavor that allows for creativity and personalization. Here are some key techniques and tips to help you create a beautiful and magical unicorn cake:

1. Coloring Your Fondant:

  • Kneading: Before adding color, knead your fondant until it’s soft and pliable. This makes it easier to incorporate the color evenly.
  • Gel Food Coloring: Use gel food coloring to tint your fondant. Gel colors are more concentrated and won’t affect the consistency of the fondant as much as liquid colors.
  • Marbling Effect: For a unique touch, partially mix in your color to create a marbled effect in the fondant.

2. Creating the Horn and Ears:

  • Horn: Roll a piece of colored or white fondant into a long, thin rope, tapering one end to a point. Twist it around a skewer or dowel, starting with the thicker end at the bottom. Allow it to dry completely to hold its shape. Paint with edible gold paint or dust with gold luster for a magical effect.
  • Ears: Shape two pieces of fondant into ear shapes, using a thinner piece of pink fondant for the inner ear. Let them dry on a curved surface to get a natural shape.

3. Applying the Crumb Coat:

  • A crumb coat is a thin layer of frosting that seals in crumbs. Apply a thin layer of buttercream over the entire cake and smooth it out. Chill the cake to set the crumb coat before applying the final layer of frosting.

4. Frosting Techniques for the Mane:

  • Color Selection: Choose a palette of 3-5 colors for the mane. Pastel colors are popular, but vibrant hues can also make a stunning impact.
  • Piping Bags: Fill separate piping bags fitted with star or petal tips with each color of frosting.
  • Piping the Mane: Pipe curls, rosettes, and stars in alternating colors around the top and down one side of the cake to create the look of a flowing mane. Experiment with different piping tips for varied textures.

5. Adding the Eyes:

  • Fondant Eyes: Roll small pieces of black fondant into shapes for the eyes and attach them to the cake with a dab of water or edible glue.
  • Piped Eyes: Alternatively, use black frosting with a small round piping tip to pipe the eyes directly onto the cake.

6. Assembling the Cake:

  • Once the horn and ears have dried, carefully insert them into the top of the cake. If they are heavy, you may need to support them with toothpicks or spaghetti.
  • Arrange the mane around the horn and ears, ensuring the cake looks balanced and magical.

7. Final Touches:

  • Edible Glitter and Sprinkles: Add a sprinkle of edible glitter or colorful sprinkles over the mane and around the cake for a magical sparkle.
  • Floral Accents: Edible flowers or fondant flowers can add a whimsical touch to your unicorn cake.

Tips for Success:

  • Practice Piping: If you’re new to piping, practice on parchment paper before starting on the cake.
  • Chill the Cake: Keep the cake chilled until ready to serve, especially if you’re using buttercream, to maintain the shape and design.
  • Creativity is Key: Don’t be afraid to experiment with colors, shapes, and designs. Unicorn cakes are all about whimsy and magic, so let your imagination lead the way.

Unicorn Cakes Around the World

Unicorn cakes, with their whimsical design and vibrant colors, have captured the hearts of people around the world, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. This global phenomenon showcases the universal appeal of creativity, fantasy, and joy in baking. Here’s a look at how unicorn cakes have been embraced and adapted in various countries, reflecting local tastes and traditions.

United States

In the U.S., unicorn cakes often feature at birthday parties and celebrations, characterized by their bright colors and elaborate designs. American bakers tend to use a lot of buttercream frosting for the mane, incorporating a wide range of colors. The cakes are frequently multi-layered, with each layer sometimes flavored or colored differently to add an element of surprise.

United Kingdom

In the UK, unicorn cakes also enjoy popularity, especially for children’s parties. British versions might lean towards more subtle pastel colors, with an emphasis on intricate details like gold leaf for the horn and delicate fondant work for the ears and eyes. There’s also a trend towards incorporating British baking flavors into the cake, such as Victoria sponge or lemon drizzle layers.


Australian bakers have embraced the unicorn cake trend with enthusiasm, often adding their unique twist with native flavors like lemon myrtle or wattleseed in the cake or frosting. Australian unicorn cakes might also feature more naturalistic designs, with an emphasis on handmade and organic-looking decorations.


In countries like South Korea, Japan, and China, unicorn cakes often reflect local aesthetic preferences, with an emphasis on cuteness (kawaii in Japan) and meticulous attention to detail. These cakes might incorporate local flavors such as matcha, red bean, or taro. The decorations can be more restrained and elegant, with a focus on harmony and balance in the design.

Middle East

In the Middle East, unicorn cakes might incorporate regional flavors like rose, pistachio, or orange blossom into the cake or frosting. The designs can be both vibrant and intricate, with an emphasis on luxurious details like edible gold and rich, deep colors reflecting the region’s artistic heritage.

Latin America

In Latin American countries, unicorn cakes often feature bright, bold colors and might include local flavors like dulce de leche, guava, or passionfruit. The decorations are festive and exuberant, reflecting the region’s love for celebrations and family gatherings.


Across Europe, the unicorn cake trend has been adapted to reflect local tastes and baking traditions. For example, in Italy, you might find unicorn cakes with layers of tiramisu or Sicilian lemon. French unicorn cakes could feature delicate macaron horns or ears, while in Scandinavia, flavors like cloudberry or lingonberry might be incorporated.

Adaptability and Creativity

The global popularity of unicorn cakes demonstrates their adaptability. Bakers around the world have embraced the trend, infusing it with local flavors, traditions, and personal creativity. This has allowed the unicorn cake to evolve beyond a simple baking trend into a global symbol of celebration, joy, and the universal appeal of bringing fantasy to life through food.

DIY Unicorn Cake Tips and Tricks

1. Plan Your Design

  • Sketch out your cake design beforehand. Decide on the number of layers, colors for the mane, and how you want the face to look. Planning helps avoid last-minute decisions.

2. Choose the Right Recipe

  • Opt for a sturdy cake recipe that can hold the weight of fondant decorations and multiple layers of frosting. Dense cakes like pound cake or a dense vanilla or chocolate cake work well.

3. Get Creative with Colors

  • Use gel food coloring for more vibrant colors without altering the frosting’s consistency. Experiment with color combinations for the mane to make your unicorn cake stand out.

4. Make the Horn and Ears in Advance

  • The fondant horn and ears need time to harden. Make them a day or two in advance and paint them with edible gold dust or food coloring for an extra magical touch.

5. Use a Crumb Coat

  • Apply a thin layer of frosting all over the cake before the final layer. This crumb coat helps to keep crumbs out of your final frosting layer and makes for a smoother finish.

6. Piping the Mane

  • Practice your piping skills on parchment paper before starting on the cake. Use various piping tips to create different textures and effects for the mane. Star tips and leaf tips work well for this.

7. Assemble with Care

  • If your cake has multiple layers, consider using dowels or straws for support to prevent the cake from sinking or sliding.

8. Creating the Eyes

  • For the eyes, you can either use fondant or edible markers. Some prefer to pipe the eyes with a small round tip and black frosting for a smoother look.

9. Add Personal Touches

  • Personalize your unicorn cake with unique touches like edible glitter, sprinkles, or even themed decorations that match the party’s color scheme or the recipient’s interests.

10. Keep It Chilled

  • Keep the cake refrigerated until it’s time to serve. This helps maintain the shape of the frosting and keeps the decorations intact, especially in warm weather.

11. Transporting the Cake

  • If you need to transport the cake, place it on a flat surface in your vehicle and drive carefully. A box slightly larger than the cake base can help protect it from dust and light bumps.

12. Have Fun

  • Remember, making a unicorn cake is about having fun and creating something special. Don’t stress over perfection; your effort and creativity will shine through in the final product.

13. Cleanup Tips

  • Fondant can be sticky, and food coloring can stain, so keep a clean, damp cloth nearby to wipe up spills immediately. Cover your workspace with parchment paper or a silicone mat for easier cleanup.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautiful and delicious unicorn cake that’s perfect for any celebration. Remember, the most important part is to enjoy the process and let your creativity flow!

FAQs About Unicorn Cakes

  • What makes a cake a “unicorn cake”?
  • How can I make a unicorn horn for a cake?
  • What are some popular flavors for unicorn cakes?
  • Can unicorn cakes be made vegan or gluten-free?
  • How do I store a unicorn cake?
  • What are some common challenges in making a unicorn cake?

Conclusion: The Lasting Appeal of Unicorn Cakes

Unicorn cakes embody a blend of artistry, imagination, and culinary skill that continues to enchant people

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